Tuesday, November 1, 2011

FFA and the Humane Society

Xavier finally got time to contact the humane society last week. He needs to do 45 hours of community service for his science class. The teacher prefers an agricultural based project but the Humane Society is a good alternative.
Xavier did his orientation on Saturday and his first service hours on Sunday. He loved working with the animals and was proud that he got all his work done in the first 45 minutes of his two hour shift. He was the only volunteer that showed up for the shift.
He played with the few dogs and cats at the shelter. He had a blast and loves working with all the animals. He couldn't wait to sign up for another shift. The next open shift that wasn't during school is November 12. No volunteers signed up at all that day. He started to sign up for the 8:30 am shift and I reminded him that it was awfully early and he liked to sleep in. He switched it for a 1 pm shift (the next shift).
I found out on Monday that the morning of the 12th is his safety orientation for trapshooting with the FFA so that worked out well. He'll still have to get up early but he doesn't have to rearrange his schedule. He's borrowing a gun from a friend which worries me. I'll talk with the owner and make arrangements to pick it up and drop it off. I don't know anything about trapshooting so I guess I will be learning along with Xavier.
He really likes FFA and is working hard to remember when the meetings are.
Last night he took a few neighborhood boys trick or treating. This is the last year Xavier is going trick or treating so he wanted it to be a good one. It did mean missing his FFA meeting but he signed up for a project that meets on Wednesdays so he feels like he's still getting time in this week.
I'll be working on making it to the parent meetings now that I know when everything is. It's fun to see Xavier really excited about things and the possibilities for his future.