Friday, February 3, 2012


Somedays I compare raising a teenager to raising a toddler and who knew how true that was. This week Xavier's behavior hasn't been great. He's not sleeping well so I had hoped that was the problem. Last night he tells me he has a sore in his mouth and wants he to look at it. His gum is swollen and when I touched it he reacted very loudly. Looks like a wisdom tooth is trying to work it's way through the gum - in other words, he's teething. I am just about positive that all the issues this week are due to the pain of his teething. He just didn't say anything until he was into day 3. I can sort of understand but after 12 hours he could have mentioned it.
Rob gave him some ibuprophen before bed and Xavier slept harder than he has all week. We'll continue to give him pain pills and Rob is calling the dentist this morning to talk to them about scheduling an appointment. We're not sure if he'll need to see the dentist but they may want to double check that the tooth is coming in correctly.
Poor dear, we're going to put some washrags in the freezer for him to chew on to see if that helps with the pain. Rob thought maybe a teething ring but with the gums so far back I worry about choking hazards.
We do have to change our plans for the weekend. He was supposed to have his cousin over for the night but he's rather ill-tempered right now so we've asked to postpone.