Friday, September 23, 2011

Update and a poem

Things have been going well with Xavier. He was moved to a new resource room when a new Special Ed teacher was hired. I've had some good talks with her via email and I think some good things are going to come out of this year. Xavier was disappointed to lose his only male teacher but I told him that he can still talk to Mr. Bauer or Mr. Johnson, the school psychologist, if something comes up and he needs a guy to talk to.
Xavier has a new goal - to get out of resource room so I told him he has to get his grade up to As and Bs and then we'll talk. He's smart but not good at organizing his stuff or time. We're working on the paper organization and they will do so at school as well. Ms. Kruger, the special ed teacher, said she will help him organize his homework and make sure it's getting done. We'll start with reminding him on a daily basis and then taper off so he can do it on his own. If it works and he can demonstrate that he can manage on his own then we'll start the discussion about leaving the resource room and gaining a new elective.
I'm not 100% comfortable with him leaving the resource room but if it motivates him to improve then that's great.
He has to do a year project for his science class that involves agriculture. The teacher said he could volunteer at the humane society if he couldn't do anything else. He's been trying to find someone who can help him raise chickens but all of us live in places where chickens are not allowed. I mentioned talking to our apartment manager but he didn't want to. The Path program is looking for volunteers so that might be an option as well.
This week Xavier sent me a poem he wrote for his English class. I want to share that with you. He, also, went to writer's group with me this week and loved it. We may have another writer in the family.

Rescue/foster cat
As I go to go to the ASPCA
I see the perfect cat
She was a long haired Persian
Ironically her name was Perfect
She was 9 years old
she passed at 17 years old
but now we have to part
she has taught me a lesson that ill never forget
that boy and cat can have true happiness
and now I can never find a cat like her anywhere

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Not doing so great keeping up with this blog. Over labor day, we went to visit my brother and his wife and their new baby. I have some great pictures of Xavier holding little Bianca but when we got back our computer crashed. When that was done I loaded the pictures from the camera onto the computer to discover that the camera wasn't reading the memory card so the Biana pictures weren't uploaded. I think I have fixed that problem but still haven't gotten the pictures off the camera and it put me horribly behind. I promise to share those pictures but in the meantime - so much has happened.
Our trip on Labor Day was not the most perfect trip. Xavier did well in the car for most of the trip over but the last little bit was more than he could stand. He was sitting in the backseat with his Dad and soon it was like have two little kids with all the "he's touching me". It set the mood for the weekend. On that Sunday we went to Bellevue Square and did some serious window shopping. Xavier wasn't super crazy about the whole shopping with no money. But it wasn't so bad. He was feeling pretty bummed that he hadn't got to hold his new cousin. I made sure that Monday before we left he held the baby and I got pictures. He was also bummed that JW lived right next to the river with full schools of fish swimming by and I wouldn't let him fish (his pole needs to strung properly and I wanted it done right and not in a hurry).
Before we left, we stopped by this amazing park not far from my brother's house to visit with my best friend Vanessa and her family. Xavier loves playing with little Nadia (forgot the camera in the car, darn) and Rob had a great time talking shop with Noah.
We got home in time for Xavier to work on his lego creation for the fair. Entries were Tuesday but we waited until Sunday to see how all our hardwork played out. The boys went to the WSU football game on Saturday. They had fun but the heat was so bad that Xavier had a hard time. Rob said next time it's this hot, he won't take Xavier. Several times they had to take to the bathroom and hose him down. The boy is so fair that it doesn't take much heat to make him sick.
Sunday, we went to the fair. Xavier's lego creation took home a best in show. Tonight we're taking all the stuff to the Moscow fair to see how well it does. I can't remember if I have talked about the art table but we've turned our dining room table into a creative space to paint or do other projects. It's been fun doing stuff for the fair. Next we're working on Christmas gifts.
That's a quick over-view of the past two weeks. I'm sure I am missing some valuable information but there's always more posts to come.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Nothing new

Things are going really well with Xavier in school. He did get sick on Monday, however. We suspected it was from a lack of sleeping and sent him to school anyway. The school sent him home and he proceeded to spend the day with his head in the toilet. Poor baby. Rob did the best he could to take care of the boy.
When I got home at dinnertime, Rob was trying to convince a starving teenager to eat slowly and in small increments. Xavier inhaled two bowls of spaghetti in reply. He kept them down but Rob watched over him like a hawk.
He missed the FFA meeting due to being sick but has been getting the information from the teacher in charge. He's so excited about participating in the activities. He's decided to try trap shooting as his project. Next month they are going to play miniature golf at the golf course on the airport road. I'm excited for him.
He has met a new friend who came over last night. Vince is another teenage boy who like zombie games. The boy seems nice and polite but two teenage boys are more than I can stand, Rob and I ended up hiding in the bedroom until it was time for Scouts.
Xavier is debating whether to do Spirit Club or Chess Club. He thinks he would prefer Spirit Club but we'll see. He missed the first meetings of both because of a schedule conflict that I didn't quite understand. (He was too busy fighting zombies with Vince to really pay attention to me and we didn't get time to talk after scouts).
He's enjoying high school so that's something. Now to get all our ducks in a row and a good routine down.
This weekend we're going to see my brother in Auburn and the new baby. Xavier is really excited.
Next week is the fair so there will be plenty to share about that. September promises to be a busy month.