Friday, February 3, 2012


Somedays I compare raising a teenager to raising a toddler and who knew how true that was. This week Xavier's behavior hasn't been great. He's not sleeping well so I had hoped that was the problem. Last night he tells me he has a sore in his mouth and wants he to look at it. His gum is swollen and when I touched it he reacted very loudly. Looks like a wisdom tooth is trying to work it's way through the gum - in other words, he's teething. I am just about positive that all the issues this week are due to the pain of his teething. He just didn't say anything until he was into day 3. I can sort of understand but after 12 hours he could have mentioned it.
Rob gave him some ibuprophen before bed and Xavier slept harder than he has all week. We'll continue to give him pain pills and Rob is calling the dentist this morning to talk to them about scheduling an appointment. We're not sure if he'll need to see the dentist but they may want to double check that the tooth is coming in correctly.
Poor dear, we're going to put some washrags in the freezer for him to chew on to see if that helps with the pain. Rob thought maybe a teething ring but with the gums so far back I worry about choking hazards.
We do have to change our plans for the weekend. He was supposed to have his cousin over for the night but he's rather ill-tempered right now so we've asked to postpone.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Days

Our week is just a mess. Xavier has been out of school for 3 days due to the snow and ice. The snow fall hasn't been so bad but the drifting caused enough of a problem they shut down the schools. Thursday WSU closed too so everyone was home. It's a little cabin feverish at home because it's too yucky to go outside. We've had some freezing rain so the snow is hard and crusty - no snowmen making here but sledding should be fun if it wasn't so cold.
This weekend should be warm which means flooding. If it does warm up, we'll be heading to the theater to watch Dolphin Tale. We saw Zookeeper last week and it was so much fun. Xavier really likes going to the Children's Matinees and we love the price - you can't beat 8 tickets for $5. That's $5 for one person to see the whole matinee series and they always have a great surprise movie at the end. This year's series has some great movies and we've only seen one so that's perfect. The one we saw is showing on a weekend we can't make it to the show so it's really perfect.
The high school just started the second semester this week. So far, Xavier likes the slight change to his schedule. He's taking PE and the rumor is they will be doing bowling in a couple weeks. Not much going on this week due to the weather but we'll be in touch soon.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A new year

I can't believe it's week two of 2012. I keep meaning to keep up with this blog and then time passes and I forget. Xavier is growing by leaps and bounds. I know that seems to be every stage but I am so amazed at the mature moments. We've been working on taming his wild hair this past month. For those who have not seen him, Xavier has this super curly mane of hair. He's lost his blond luster and the color is settling into a soft brown. He refuses to accept that it's not blond but we'll see what happens this summer - the blond may return.
However, he has the most beautiful curls and all the girls want to play with his hair. The problem is it's a mess and he hates having anyone touch his hair. We've been working on brushing out all the knots and explaining to him that the only way to get rid of the knots is brusing regularly.
We deep conditioned his hair this weekend, starting with a beer/vodka bath and moving to an overnight application of bee cream. It's improving. He's learning conditioner is his friend.
The other benefit to taking care of his hair is that the acne on his forehead clears up. He doesn't have much acne until he stops caring for his hair and the strands that cover his forehead increase acne production. We're working on that too. I've been working with him to wash his face night and morning. We're just doing water and then I will teach him how to apply bee cream to his blemishes to prevent them from taking over. He doesn't like the feel of the cream on his face but he may not mind a dot here or there.
He went to his first church dance on New Year's Eve. He went alone but had a really good time. The great thing about church dances is there is always food. As a growing boy, he's always looking for a snack.
Since I last wrote, Xavier has been involved in FFA. He joined the trapshooting team. He had a mishap at the last shoot which has made him ineligible to shoot at this next one. It was just an accident but they want him to get more comfortable with the gun before shooting again (his gun slipped and he shot the ground near his foot). We're working on that and he'll be getting his own gun when we get our tax refund next month. Having his own gun will allow him to be more comfortable.
He's joined a shooting sports crew and this weekend they have their first event - an archery shoot. He's very excited.
Well there's more I'm sure but that's something to start with. I promise to post at least once a week. At the moment our camera is not working but I might be able to post the occasional video. As soon as we get the camera working or replaced, pictures will follow.