Thursday, October 13, 2011


I promised pictures of Xavier holding Bianca and I have finally put them on the computer. She looks so happy to be held by her cousin.

He was a little nervous but so happy she liked him.

On another note, we brought home a new cat. His name is Cody. He's 1 1/2 and a black DLH. We think he might have some Maine Coon in him. His previous owner had found him as a kitten in an alley and took him home. She had three cats and two dogs. Cody was proving to be too big for the other cats to play with and she was worried he would hurt on of them just because he was just so much bigger than they were.
He's settling in well and has a great personality. Xavier just loves to play with him. Rob and Xavier are teaching him to use the toilet. He's a smart cat and is just going with the flow.

Xavier was so happy that he told us he didn't need any Christmas gifts from us because he got what he really wanted. He's sweet kid and we love him a lot.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ghost Hunting

Last night Xavier got a great opportunity to do something he has always wanted to do. John Zaffis of Haunted Collector (SYFY channel) was invited to speak at WSU. While free for students, there was a $5 charge for the public. Xavier's uncle Josh so nicely gave us the $5 to pay his admission. We didn't tell Xavier what he was going to see.
His grandmother picked him up at 6:30 and took him to the CUB auditorium. I don't know how we managed to keep it a surprise but we did. Grandma slept through most of the lecture but said that Xavier was riveted by John Zaffis. She said he raised his hand to ask a question and she got a little nervous because she didn't want him rambling. She said he asked the most concise and intelligent question (more so than anyone else).
When the lecture was over, a handful of people were selected to go on a ghost hunt. Xavier was one of those selected. When he came home, he had such wonderful stories to tell. John (Xavier got to be on a first name basis with the man) took them to two different buildings on campus - Webster and Bryan. They used a radio to communicate with the dead. Apparently Xavier has the knack because John had him talk to a few ghosts that seemed to respond well to Xavier.
Xavier came home with a "girlfriend". A ghost named Joyce was particularly fond of Xavier and would only respond to him.
Whether or not you believe it's true, Xavier had a wonderful experience. He loves watching ghost hunting and paranormal shows. He has plans for exploring the paranormal as a career (on top of being a forensic entomologist). I know his passion lies with discovering cryptids (animals considered mythical) but we may have a future ghost hunter on our hands.
Xavier is highly intelligent and has such a dynamic personality that I believe we might just see him on tv some day - whether it's hunting the paranormal, Mythbusters or becoming the next Jeff Corwin/Steve Irwin.
For more information about John Zaffis visit his website.