Friday, October 7, 2011

Ghost Hunting

Last night Xavier got a great opportunity to do something he has always wanted to do. John Zaffis of Haunted Collector (SYFY channel) was invited to speak at WSU. While free for students, there was a $5 charge for the public. Xavier's uncle Josh so nicely gave us the $5 to pay his admission. We didn't tell Xavier what he was going to see.
His grandmother picked him up at 6:30 and took him to the CUB auditorium. I don't know how we managed to keep it a surprise but we did. Grandma slept through most of the lecture but said that Xavier was riveted by John Zaffis. She said he raised his hand to ask a question and she got a little nervous because she didn't want him rambling. She said he asked the most concise and intelligent question (more so than anyone else).
When the lecture was over, a handful of people were selected to go on a ghost hunt. Xavier was one of those selected. When he came home, he had such wonderful stories to tell. John (Xavier got to be on a first name basis with the man) took them to two different buildings on campus - Webster and Bryan. They used a radio to communicate with the dead. Apparently Xavier has the knack because John had him talk to a few ghosts that seemed to respond well to Xavier.
Xavier came home with a "girlfriend". A ghost named Joyce was particularly fond of Xavier and would only respond to him.
Whether or not you believe it's true, Xavier had a wonderful experience. He loves watching ghost hunting and paranormal shows. He has plans for exploring the paranormal as a career (on top of being a forensic entomologist). I know his passion lies with discovering cryptids (animals considered mythical) but we may have a future ghost hunter on our hands.
Xavier is highly intelligent and has such a dynamic personality that I believe we might just see him on tv some day - whether it's hunting the paranormal, Mythbusters or becoming the next Jeff Corwin/Steve Irwin.
For more information about John Zaffis visit his website.

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