Friday, May 27, 2011

Learning to Shave

The other night, Xavier took a shower in our bathroom (we had company and our bathroom is in our room). He came out with shaving cream around his ears. He told us that he was playing with the shaving cream and used his finger. When I went to shower I discovered my razor full of little blond hairs and shaving cream (Rob suspects the hairs are actually from Xavier's head not face as he shaved his face).
Because tasks like shaving require a certain finesse to prevent injury I asked Rob to teach Xavier to shave. I announced I wanted pictures too. Xavier is not happy that I took pictures and less thrilled that I am posting them here. So when you see Xavier tell him how handsome he looks freshly shaved.
I can imagine that shaving will become something Xavier will want to do more often even though he has nothing to shave (he even mentioned getting a hot towel shave at the Men's Shop). He wants to grow up and I feel that if allowing him to shave will improve his hygiene I am all for it. This was the first time that we didn't have to fight with him to wash his face. He still didn't like the wash cloth on his face but it was a better washing than his face has got in a long time.
The one thing I have heard about children with Autism is that hygiene is always a problem. The same is true for Xavier. He isn't bothered with being dirty. We are constantly sending him to the bathroom to put on deoderant and brush his teeth. He works hard to make it seem like he has instead of just doing the task. At 14 this is not the biggest problem but as he gets older his hygiene will make a difference in his life.

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