Friday, July 8, 2011

Growing up and still mama's little boy

Last night Xavier snuggled up to me as I laid in bed. I asked him where my little boy had gone and he said he was right there. He would always be my little boy. At times like this it's hard to think of Xavier growing up.
I follow a blog written by women who have a family member with what they call a hidden disability. This includes children with Autism. It's an interesting blog and often gives me inspiration of new things to try with Xavier.
I was struck by a conversation about redirecting young men's behavior when it came to interacting with their mom. They talked about training their son's not to hold their hand in public or to be so snuggly. They had good reasons for this. They wanted their sons to learn how to interact with members of the opposite sex and to develop a certain amount of maturity.
I talked with my husband about this and he just thought I was over-reacting when I expressed my concern for holding Xavier back. He didn't see anything wrong with letting Xavier hold my hand or snuggle with me.
I talked with my mom. She said that when my brothers were born, she knew that she was going to accept every snuggle, hand holding, sign of affection for as long as my brothers would offer them.
So I talked to Xavier. Conversations like this are always a struggle with Xavier because I think they sort of embarrass him. They shouldn't because I want to know what he thinks, how he feels. I think it's just too much work to talk about his feelings that he just doesn't want to. He told me he was just fine with how things are.
I got to thinking. Xavier gives me cues when he's not wanting to demonstrate affection. He doesn't always hold my hand in public, especially if someone from school might see. He doesn't mind me kissing him in front of his friends - I know because I ask him before I kiss him.
I'm his mom and at this point in time, I think it's okay for him to demonstrate affection how he's comfortable. He does have this terrible habit of wanting to chew on me when he's uncomfortable and that's something we're working on redirecting (because it hurts).
If he wants to hold my hand until he's forty, I don't think I'll object (he will be married and living on his own at this time so it probably won't happen all that often).

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